We are not a French Patent & Trademark Attorney

We are only a non-profit association which goals are to: "enforce and promote industrial and intellectual property".
If you are looking for a registered French Patent & Trademark Attorney, please refer to the CNCPI's directory.

Asociación de Propiedad Intelectual sin fines de lucro

A design has to be what?

A registered design in the EU has an important requirement of: novelty! Only new designs can be granted protection.


We examine the correctness of design registrations in the EU and if the designs are new.

Got a cancellation procedure?

Your registered design might be cancelled. You can protect your business with a new design or a trademark

una respuesta dentro 1 día laboral!

We aim to reply to you within 1 business day~

You need to know the game's rules to be able to play

El problema de la mayoría de los servicios de propiedad intelectual hoy en día es que no sitúan al creador en el centro.

As more and more people take control of their intellectual property registration, the new way to help creators is to empower them with knowledge.

It’s essential to understand that intellectual property ownership or title is a declaration, and accuracy is crucial. A mistake in the registration process can be costly and impact your business.

The principle is the same across all the offices in the EU

Due to the harmonization of the intellectual property offices of the EU, incluida la EUIPO (entonces un total de 26 – BOIP covering three EU countries: Bélgica, Holanda y Luxemburgo), be sure that the intellectual property information is valid everywhere in the EU!


A Registered Design in the EU

In the European Union (EU), a registered design, also known as a Community design, is a type of intellectual property right that protects the appearance of a product or a part of a product. Here’s the definition:

Article 3 of the Community Design Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 states that: “A design shall be protected by a registered Community design if it is new, has individual character, and does not fall under the exclusions referred to in Article 8(2).

How is a design "new"?

In simpler terms, a registered design in the EU is a design that:

1. Is new: The design must not have been disclosed to the public before the application for registration.
2. Has individual character: The design must have a distinct appearance that sets it apart from other designs.
3. Does not fall under exclusions: The design must not be excluded from protection due to specific reasons, such as being dictated solely by technical function or being a component part of a complex product.

Registered designs in the EU are governed by the Community Design Regulation (EC) No 6/2002, which provides a unified system of design protection across all EU member states. By registering a design, the owner gains exclusive rights to make, offer, put on the market, import, export, or use products that incorporate the design.

Pais del domicilio

Nuestra asociación no tiene fines de lucro y está registrada en Francia.

Nuestro equipo

Como asociación sin fines de lucro.: no tenemos ningún accionista. Tres gerentes se encargan de las operaciones diarias..


Director de Estrategia


Director de datos


Director Digital

Information for your protection

Crear sin infringir el derecho de propiedad intelectual de otra persona.

Dried flowers in crashed plastic bottles on a black background

¿Su marketing es tan malo que no necesita protección??

Creer que tus creaciones no necesitan protección significa que tus creaciones no tienen valor. Son ellos?…

La propiedad intelectual es realmente la capacidad de que se le conceda un monopolio.: y mantener alejados a tus competidores!

Si desea resolver su caso, puede completar el siguiente formulario

Formulario de liquidación

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Settlement is not guaranteed and might not be possible depending on the status of our claim.